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Plantae --> Embryophyta --> Tracheophyta --> Spermatophytes --> Angiospermae --> Eudicotyledon -->

core eudicots

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Fam. Apiaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Araliaceae

Aslak Nedregård ©.

Fam. Asteraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Campanulaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Caprifoliaceae

"Honeysuckle" by Anemoneprojectors (no internet at the moment) via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Dipsacaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Ericaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Primulaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Sapotaceae

"Chikoo!" by Arunkumud via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs.

Fam. Sarraceniaceae

"Sarracenia Leucophylla" by Keith Roper via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Boraginaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Apocynaceae

Maria Kühnl ©.

Fam. Asclepiadaceae

"Stephanotis floribunda" by Scott.zona via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Menyanthaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Byblidaceae

"Byblis liniflora" by CARNIVORASLAND.COM via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs.

Fam. Lamiaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Lentibulariaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Plantaginaceae

"Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea" by Foxypar4 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Scrophulariaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Polemoniaceae

Aslak Nedregård ©.

Fam. Solanaceae

"Solanum muricatum" by .Annna via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Aizoaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Cactaceae

L.R ©.

Fam. Caryophyllaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Droseraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Nepenthaceae

Nini ©.

Fam. Polygonaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Parnassiaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Cucurbitaceae

"Momordica charantia L." by Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Fabaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Betulaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Fagaceae

"Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) fruit" by Anemoneprojectors (no internet at the moment) via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Euphorbiaceae

Maria Kühnl ©.

Fam. Hypericaceae

"Hypericum perforatum" by Matt Lavin via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Passifloraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Violaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Cephalotaceae

"Une cephalotus follicularis" by Олександр via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Oxalidaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Moraceae

"Jackfruit" by Jmarconi via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Rosaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Urticaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Brassicaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Caricaceae

"Papaya fruit" by Grendelkhan via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Balsaminaceae

"Drüsiges Springkraut (Impatiens glandulifera)" by Blumenbiene via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Geraniaceae

"Geranium sanguineum y abejita" by Ferran pestaña via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Malvaceae

"Common mallow (Malva sylvestris)" by Deanster1983 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs.

Fam. Lythraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Myrtaceae

"GOIABA - Guava. (Psidium guajava) fruit. Ceret Sao Paulo Brazlian native tree" by Mauroguanandi via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Onagraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Crassulaceae

Aslak Nedregård ©.

Fam. Grossulariaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Paeoniaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Saxifragaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.


campanulids (euasterids II)
Ord. Apiales (Add)
Fam. Apiaceae

Fam. Araliaceae

Fam. Pittosporaceae (Add)
Ord. Aquifoliales (Add)
Ord. Asterales (Add)
Fam. Asteraceae

Fam. Calyceraceae (Add)
Fam. Campanulaceae

Fam. Stylidiaceae
Ord. Bruniales (Add)
Ord. Dipsacales (Add)
Fam. Caprifoliaceae

Fam. Dipsacaceae

Fam. Linnaeaceae (Add)
Fam. Morinaceae (Add)
Fam. Staphyleaceae (Add)
Fam. Valerianaceae (Add)
Ord. Escalloniales (Add)
Ord. Paracryphiales (Add)
Ord. Cornales (Add)
Fam. Adoxaceae (Add)
Fam. Alangiceae (Add)
Fam. Bruniaceae (Add)
Fam. Columelliaceae (Add)
Fam. Cornaceae (Add)
Fam. Davidiaceae (Add)
Fam. Diapensiaceae (Add)
Fam. Escalloniaceae (Add)
Fam. Garryaceae (Add)
Fam. Hydrangeaceae
Fam. Hydrostachyaceae (Add)
Fam. Loasaceae (Add)
Fam. Montiniaceae (Add)
Fam. Nyssaceae (Add)
Fam. Rhizophoraceae (Add)
Fam. Styraceae (Add)
Ord. Ericales (Add)
Fam. Actinidiaceae
Fam. Clethraceae (Add)
Fam. Cyrillaceae (Add)
Fam. Epacridaceae (Add)
Fam. Ericaceae

Fam. Grubbiaceae (Add)
Fam. Myrsinaceae (Add)
Fam. Primulaceae

Fam. Roridulaceae
Fam. Sapotaceae

Fam. Sarraceniaceae

Fam. Theaceae
lamiids (euasterids I)
Fam. Boraginaceae

Ord. Garryales (Add)
Fam. Eucommiaceae (Add)
Ord. Gentianales (Add)
Fam. Apocynaceae

Fam. Asclepiadaceae

Fam. Gentianaceae (Add)
Fam. Loganiaceae (Add)
Fam. Menyanthaceae

Fam. Potaliaceae (Add)
Fam. Rubiaceae (Add)
Fam. Strychnaceae (Add)
Fam. Icacinaceae (Add)
Ord. Lamiales (Add)
Fam. Acanthaceae (Add)
Fam. Bignoniaceae (Add)
Fam. Byblidaceae

Fam. Callitrichaceae (Add)
Fam. Gesneriaceae (Add)
Fam. Lamiaceae

Fam. Lentibulariaceae

Fam. Martyniaceae
Fam. Oleaceae
Fam. Orobanchaceae (Add)
Fam. Pedaliaceae
Fam. Phrymaceae (Add)
Fam. Plantaginaceae

Fam. Scrophulariaceae

Fam. Verbenaceae (Add)
Fam. Metteniusaceae (Add)
Fam. Oncothecaceae (Add)
Ord. Solanales (Add)
Fam. Convolvulaceae
Fam. Ehretiaceae (Add)
Fam. Hoplestigmataceae (Add)
Fam. Hydrophyllaceae (Add)
Fam. Lennoaceae (Add)
Fam. Nolanaceae (Add)
Fam. Polemoniaceae

Fam. Retziaceae (Add)
Fam. Solanaceae

Fam. Vahliaceae (Add)
Ord. Berberidopsidales (Add)
Ord. Caryophyllales (Add)
Fam. Aizoaceae

Fam. Amaranthaceae
Fam. Basellaceae (Add)
Fam. Cactaceae

Fam. Caryophyllaceae

Fam. Didieraceae (Add)
Fam. Dioncophyllaceae
Fam. Droseraceae

Fam. Drosophyllaceae
Fam. Frankeniaceae (Add)
Fam. Halophytaceae (Add)
Fam. Molluginaceae (Add)
Fam. Nepenthaceae

Fam. Nyctaginaceae (Add)
Fam. Phytolaccaceae (Add)
Fam. Polygonaceae

Fam. Portulacaceae (Add)
Fam. Dilleniaceae (Add)
Ord. Gunnerales (Add)
Fam. Gunneraceae (Add)
Fam. Myrothamnaceae (Add)
rosids (Add)
fabids (eurosids I) (Add)
Ord. Celastrales (Add)
Fam. Celastraceae
Fam. Parnassiaceae

Ord. Cucurbitales (Add)
Fam. Begoniaceae (Add)
Fam. Cucurbitaceae

Fam. Datiscaceae (Add)
Ord. Fabales
Fam. Chrysobalanaceae (Add)
Fam. Fabaceae

Fam. Krameriaceae (Add)
Fam. Polygalaceae (Add)
Ord. Fagales (Add)
Fam. Betulaceae

Fam. Casuarinaceae (Add)
Fam. Fagaceae

Fam. Juglandaceae (Add)
Fam. Myricaceae (Add)
Fam. Nothofagaceae
Ord. Malpighiales (Add)
Fam. Achariaceae (Add)
Fam. Balanopaceae (Add)
Fam. Dichapetalaceae (Add)
Fam. Erythroxylaceae
Fam. Euphorbiaceae

Fam. Hypericaceae

Fam. Lacistemaceae (Add)
Fam. Malpighiaceae (Add)
Fam. Pandaceae (Add)
Fam. Passifloraceae

Fam. Picrodendraceae (Add)
Fam. Salicaceae
Fam. Trigoniaceae (Add)
Fam. Violaceae

Ord. Oxalidales (Add)
Fam. Cephalotaceae

Fam. Oxalidaceae

Ord. Rosales (Add)
Fam. Amygdalaceae (Add)
Fam. Barbeyaceae (Add)
Fam. Cannabaceae
Fam. Crossosomataceae (Add)
Fam. Malaceae (Add)
Fam. Moraceae

Fam. Rhamnaceae
Fam. Rosaceae

Fam. Ulmaceae
Fam. Urticaceae

Ord. Zygophyllales (Add)
malvids (eurosids II) (Add)
Ord. Brassicales (Add)
Fam. Brassicaceae

Fam. Capparaceae
Fam. Caricaceae

Fam. Gyrostemonaceae (Add)
Fam. Limnanthaceae (Add)
Fam. Moringaceae (Add)
Fam. Resedaceae (Add)
Fam. Tovariaceae (Add)
Fam. Tropaeolaceae (Add)
Ord. Crossosomatales (Add)
Fam. Geissolomataceae (Add)
Fam. Stachyuraceae (Add)
Ord. Geraniales (Add)
Fam. Balsaminaceae

Fam. Biebersteiniaceae (Add)
Fam. Erithroxylaceae (Add)
Fam. Erytroxylaceae (Add)
Fam. Geraniaceae

Fam. Hugoniaceae (Add)
Fam. Humiriaceae (Add)
Fam. Linaceae
Fam. Nitrariaceae (Add)
Fam. Vivianaceae (Add)
Fam. Zygophyllaceae (Add)
Ord. Huerteales (Add)
Ord. Malvales (Add)
Fam. Bixaceae (Add)
Fam. Bombacaceae (Add)
Fam. Cistaceae (Add)
Fam. Cochlospermaceae (Add)
Fam. Elaeocarpaceae (Add)
Fam. Malvaceae

Fam. Ropalocarpaceae (Add)
Fam. Sarcolaenaceae (Add)
Fam. Scytopetalaceae (Add)
Fam. Sterculiaceae (Add)
Fam. Thymelaeaceae
Fam. Tiliaceae (Add)
Ord. Myrtales (Add)
Fam. Lythraceae

Fam. Myrtaceae

Fam. Onagraceae

Fam. Vochysiaceae (Add)
Ord. Picramniales (Add)
Ord. Sapindales (Add)
Fam. Aceraceae (Add)
Fam. Anacardiaceae
Fam. Burseraceae (Add)
Fam. Connaraceae (Add)
Fam. Coriariaceae (Add)
Fam. Greyiaceae (Add)
Fam. Hippocastanaceae (Add)
Fam. Meliaceae (Add)
Fam. Melianthaceae (Add)
Fam. Rutaceae
Fam. Sapindaceae
Fam. Simaroubaceae (Add)
Ord. Vitales (Add)
Fam. Vitaceae (Add)
Ord. Santalales (Add)
Ord. Saxifragales (Add)
Fam. Altingiaceae (Add)
Fam. Brexiaceae (Add)
Fam. Brunelliaceae (Add)
Fam. Cephalotaceae (Add)
Fam. Cercidiphyllaceae (Add)
Fam. Crassulaceae

Fam. Cunoniaceae (Add)
Fam. Daphniphyllaceae (Add)
Fam. Grossulariaceae

Fam. Hamamelidaceae (Add)
Fam. Iteaceae (Add)
Fam. Paenoiaceae (Add)
Fam. Paeoniaceae

Fam. Saxifragaceae

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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