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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Ord. Odonata --> Epiprocta --> Anisoptera --> Libelluloidea --> Fam. Libellulidae -->


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Gen. Allorrhizucha (Add)
Allorrhizucha campioni (Add)
Allorrhizucha klingi (Add)
Allorrhizucha preussi (Add)
Gen. Archaeophlebia (Add)
Archaeophlebia martini (Add)
Gen. Bironides (Add)
Bironides glochidion (Add)
Bironides liesthes (Add)
Bironides superstes (Add)
Bironides teuchestes (Add)
Gen. Calophlebia (Add)
Calophlebia interposita (Add)
Calophlebia karschi (Add)
Gen. Celebophlebia (Add)
Celebophlebia carolinae (Add)
Celebophlebia dactylogastra (Add)
Gen. Eothemis (Add)
Eothemis zygoptera (Add)
Gen. Hylaeothemis (Add)
Hylaeothemis clementia (Add)
Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi (Add)
Hylaeothemis gardeneri (Add)
Hylaeothemis indica (Add)
Gen. Hypothemis (Add)
Hypothemis hageni (Add)
Gen. Malgassophlebia (Add)
Malgassophlebia aequatoris (Add)
Malgassophlebia bispina (Add)
Malgassophlebia mayanga (Add)
Malgassophlebia mediodentata (Add)
Malgassophlebia westfalli (Add)
Gen. Mesumbethemis (Add)
Mesumbethemis takamandensis (Add)
Gen. Micromacromia (Add)
Micromacromia afra (Add)
Micromacromia camerunica (Add)
Micromacromia miraculosa (Add)
Micromarcomia zygoptera (Add)
Gen. Microtrigonia (Add)
Microtrigonia gomphoides (Add)
Microtrigonia marsupialis (Add)
Microtrigonia petaurinia (Add)
Gen. Monardithemis (Add)
Monardithemis flava (Add)
Gen. Nannophlebia (Add)
Nannophlebia adonira (Add)
Nannophlebia aerostiba (Add)
Nannophlebia agalma (Add)
Nannophlebia aglaia (Add)
Nannophlebia alexia (Add)
Nannophlebia amaryllis (Add)
Nannophlebia amnosia (Add)
Nannophlebia amphicyllis (Add)
Nannophlebia ampycteria (Add)
Nannophlebia anacharis (Add)
Nannophlebia anatya (Add)
Nannophlebia anticantha (Add)
Nannophlebia arethusa (Add)
Nannophlebia axiagastra (Add)
Nannophlebia biroi (Add)
Nannophlebia braueri (Add)
Nannophlebia buruensis (Add)
Nannophlebia eludens (Add)
Nannophlebia imitans (Add)
Nannophlebia injibandi (Add)
Nannophlebia lorquinii (Add)
Nannophlebia mudginberri (Add)
Nannophlebia risi (Add)
Gen. Neodythemis (Add)
Neodythemis africana (Add)
Neodythemis arnoulti (Add)
Neodythemis fitzgeraldi (Add)
Neodythemis gorillae (Add)
Neodythemis hildebrandti (Add)
Neodythemis pauliani (Add)
Neodythemis scalarum (Add)
Neodythemis trinervulata (Add)
Gen. Notiothemis (Add)
Notiothemis jonesi (Add)
Notiothemis robertsi (Add)
Gen. Pacificothemis (Add)
Pacificothemis esakii (Add)
Gen. Palaeothemis (Add)
Palaeothemis tillyardi (Add)
Gen. Risiophlebia (Add)
Risiophlebia dohrni (Add)
Risiophlebia risi (Add)
Gen. Sleuthemis (Add)
Sleuthemis diplacoides (Add)
Gen. Tapeinothemis (Add)
Tapeinothemis boharti (Add)
Gen. Tetrathemis (Add)
Tetrathemis bifida (Add)
Tetrathemis camerunensis (Add)
Tetrathemis corduliformis (Add)
Tetrathemis denticauda (Add)
Tetrathemis flavescens (Add)
Tetrathemis fraseri (Add)
Tetrathemis fruhstorferi (Add)
Tetrathemis godiardi (Add)
Tetrathemis irregularis (Add)
Tetrathemis leptoptera (Add)
Tetrathemis longfieldae (Add)
Tetrathemis platyptera (Add)
Tetrathemis polleni (Add)
Tetrathemis ruwensoriensis (Add)
Tetrathemis sulci (Add)
Tetrathemis victoriae (Add)
Tetrathemis yerburi (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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