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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Ord. Odonata --> Epiprocta --> Anisoptera --> Libelluloidea --> Fam. Libellulidae -->


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Rhyothemistini (Add)
Gen. Rhyothemis (Add)
Rhyothemis amaryllis (Add)
Rhyothemis apicalis (Add)
Rhyothemis aterrima (Add)
Rhyothemis braganza (Add)
Rhyothemis cognata (Add)
Rhyothemis fenestrina (Add)
Rhyothemis fulgens (Add)
Rhyothemis fuliginosa (Add)
Rhyothemis graphiptera (Add)
Rhyothemis hurleyi (Add)
Rhyothemis imperatrix (Add)
Rhyothemis mariposa (Add)
Rhyothemis notata (Add)
Rhyothemis obsolescens (Add)
Rhyothemis phyllis (Add)
Rhyothemis plutonia (Add)
Rhyothemis princeps (Add)
Rhyothemis pygmaea (Add)
Rhyothemis regia (Add)
Rhyothemis resplendens (Add)
Rhyothemis semihyalina (Add)
Rhyothemis severini (Add)
Rhyothemis splendens (Add)
Rhyothemis triangularis (Add)
Rhyothemis variegata (Add)
Rhyothemis vidua (Add)
Trameini (Add)
Gen. Antidythemis (Add)
Antidythemis nigra (Add)
Antidythemis trameiformis (Add)
Gen. Camacinia (Add)
Camacinia gigantea (Add)
Camacinia harterti (Add)
Camacinia othello (Add)
Gen. Garrisonia (Add)
Garrisonia aurindae (Add)
Gen. Hydrobasileus (Add)
Hydrobasileus brevistylus (Add)
Hydrobasileus croceus (Add)
Hydrobasileus vittatus (Add)
Gen. Idiataphe (Add)
Idiataphe amazonica (Add)
Idiataphe batesi (Add)
Idiataphe cubensis (Add)
Idiataphe longipes (Add)
Gen. Miathyria (Add)
Miathyria marcella (Add)
Miathyria simplex (Add)
Gen. Pantala (Add)
Globe Skimmer, Pantala flavescens

Pantala hymenaea (Add)
Gen. Pseudotramea (Add)
Pseudotramea prateri (Add)
Gen. Tauriphila (Add)
Tauriphila argo (Add)
Tauriphila australis (Add)
Tauriphila azteca (Add)
Tauriphila risi (Add)
Tauriphila xiphea (Add)
Gen. Tramea (Add)
Tramea abdominalis (Add)
Tramea aquila (Add)
Tramea basilaris (Add)
Tramea binotata (Add)
Tramea calverti (Add)
Tramea carolina (Add)
Tramea continentalis (Add)
Tramea cophysa (Add)
Tramea eurybia (Add)
Tramea insularis (Add)
Tramea lacerata (Add)
Tramea liberata (Add)
Tramea limbata (Add)
Tramea loewii (Add)
Tramea minuta (Add)
Tramea onusta (Add)
Tramea phaeoneura (Add)
Tramea rosenbergi (Add)
Tramea rustica (Add)
Tramea stenoloba (Add)
Tramea transmarina (Add)
Tramea virginia (Add)
Zyxommatini (Add)
Gen. Parazyxomma (Add)
Parazyxomma flavicans (Add)
Gen. Tholymis (Add)
Tholymis citrina (Add)
Tholymis tillarga (Add)
Gen. Zyxomma (Add)
Zyxomma atlanticum (Add)
Zyxomma breviventre (Add)
Zyxomma elgneri (Add)
Zyxomma multinervorum (Add)
Zyxomma obtusum (Add)
Zyxomma petiolatum (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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