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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Ord. Odonata --> Epiprocta --> Anisoptera --> Libelluloidea --> Fam. Libellulidae -->


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Gen. Atoconeura (Add)
Atoconeura biordinata (Add)
Atoconeura eudoxia (Add)
Atoconeura luxata (Add)
Gen. Brechmorhoga (Add)
Brechmorhoga diplosema (Add)
Brechmorhoga flavopunctata (Add)
Brechmorhoga innupta (Add)
Brechmorhoga latialata (Add)
Brechmorhoga mendax (Add)
Brechmorhoga neblinae (Add)
Brechmorhoga nubecula (Add)
Brechmorhoga pertinax (Add)
Brechmorhoga praecox (Add)
Brechmorhoga praedatrix (Add)
Brechmorhoga rapax (Add)
Brechmorhoga tepeaca (Add)
Brechmorhoga travassosi (Add)
Brechmorhoga vivax (Add)
Gen. Dythemis (Add)
Dythemis fugax (Add)
Dythemis maya (Add)
Dythemis multipunctata (Add)
Dythemis nigrescens (Add)
Dythemis rufinervis (Add)
Dythemis sterilis (Add)
Dythemis velox (Add)
Gen. Elasmothemis (Add)
Elasmothemis alcebiadesi (Add)
Elasmothemis aliciae (Add)
Elasmothemis cannacrioides (Add)
Elasmothemis constricta (Add)
Elasmothemis kiautai (Add)
Elasmothemis schubarti (Add)
Elasmothemis williamsoni (Add)
Gen. Gynothemis (Add)
Gynothemis aurea (Add)
Gynothemis calliste (Add)
Gynothemis heteronycha (Add)
Gynothemis uniseta (Add)
Gynothemis venipunctata (Add)
Gen. Huonia (Add)
Huonia arborophila (Add)
Huonia aruana (Add)
Huonia daphne (Add)
Huonia epinephela (Add)
Huonia ferentina (Add)
Huonia hylophila (Add)
Huonia hypsophila (Add)
Huonia melvillensis (Add)
Huonia moerens (Add)
Huonia oreophila (Add)
Huonia rheophila (Add)
Huonia silvicola (Add)
Huonia thais (Add)
Huonia thalassophila (Add)
Huonia thisbe (Add)
Gen. Lanthanusa (Add)
Lanthanusa cyclopica (Add)
Lanthanusa donaldi (Add)
Lanthanusa lamberti (Add)
Lanthanusa richardi (Add)
Lanthanusa sufficiens (Add)
Gen. Macrothemis (Add)
Macrothemis absimile (Add)
Macrothemis aurimaculata (Add)
Macrothemis belliata (Add)
Macrothemis brevidens (Add)
Macrothemis capitata (Add)
Macrothemis celeno (Add)
Macrothemis cynthia (Add)
Macrothemis declivata (Add)
Macrothemis delia (Add)
Macrothemis extensa (Add)
Macrothemis fallax (Add)
Macrothemis flavescens (Add)
Macrothemis griseofrons (Add)
Macrothemis guarauno (Add)
Macrothemis hahneli (Add)
Macrothemis hemichlora (Add)
Macrothemis hosanai (Add)
Macrothemis idalia (Add)
Macrothemis imitans (Add)
Macrothemis inacuta (Add)
Macrothemis inequiunguis (Add)
Macrothemis lauriana (Add)
Macrothemis ludia (Add)
Macrothemis lutea (Add)
Macrothemis marmorata (Add)
Macrothemis mortoni (Add)
Macrothemis musiva (Add)
Macrothemis newtoni (Add)
Macrothemis nobilis (Add)
Macrothemis pleurosticta (Add)
Macrothemis polyneura (Add)
Macrothemis proterva (Add)
Macrothemis pseudimitans (Add)
Macrothemis pumila (Add)
Macrothemis rupicola (Add)
Macrothemis tenuis (Add)
Macrothemis tessellata (Add)
Macrothemis ultima (Add)
Macrothemis valida (Add)
Gen. Paltothemis (Add)
Paltothemis cyanosoma (Add)
Paltothemis lineatipes (Add)
Paltothemis nicolae (Add)
Gen. Pseudagrionoptera (Add)
Pseudagrionoptera diotima (Add)
Gen. Pseudothemis (Add)
Pseudothemis jorina (Add)
Pseudothemis zonata (Add)
Gen. Scapanea (Add)
Scapanea archboldi (Add)
Scapanea frontalis (Add)
Gen. Thalassothemis (Add)
Thalassothemis marchali (Add)
Gen. Trithemis (Add)
Trithemis aconita (Add)
Trithemis aenea (Add)
Trithemis aequalis (Add)
Trithemis africana (Add)
Trithemis annulata (Add)
Trithemis anomala (Add)
Trithemis arteriosa (Add)
Trithemis aurora (Add)
Trithemis basitincta (Add)
Trithemis bifida (Add)
Trithemis bredoi (Add)
Trithemis brydeni (Add)
Trithemis congolica (Add)
Trithemis dejouxi (Add)
Trithemis dichroa (Add)
Trithemis donaldsoni (Add)
Trithemis dorsalis (Add)
Trithemis ellenbeckii (Add)
Trithemis festiva (Add)
Trithemis fumosa (Add)
Trithemis furva (Add)
Trithemis grouti (Add)
Trithemis hartwigi (Add)
Trithemis hecate (Add)
Trithemis imitata (Add)
Trithemis jacksoni (Add)
Trithemis kalula (Add)
Trithemis kirbyi (Add)
Trithemis lilacina (Add)
Trithemis limbata (Add)
Trithemis monardi (Add)
Trithemis nigra (Add)
Trithemis nuptialis (Add)
Trithemis osvaldae (Add)
Trithemis pallidinervis (Add)
Trithemis persephone (Add)
Trithemis pluvialis (Add)
Trithemis pruinata (Add)
Trithemis selika (Add)
Trithemis stictica (Add)
Trithemis werneri (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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