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Ord. Hymenoptera --> Apocrita --> Apoidea --> Anthophila --> Fam. Megachilidae -->


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Chelostoma aureocinctum (Add)
Chelostoma bernardinum (Add)
Chelostoma bytinskii (Add)
Chelostoma californicum (Add)
Chelostoma campanularum (Add)
Chelostoma carinocaudatum (Add)
Chelostoma carinoclypeatum (Add)
Chelostoma carinulum (Add)
Chelostoma clypeale (Add)
Chelostoma cockerelli (Add)
Chelostoma confusum (Add)
Chelostoma diodon (Add)
Chelostoma distinctum (Add)
Chelostoma dolosum (Add)
Chelostoma edentulum (Add)
Chelostoma emarginatum (Add)
Chelostoma florisomne (Add)
Chelostoma forcipatum (Add)
Chelostoma foveolatum (Add)
Chelostoma galeridum (Add)
Chelostoma garrulum (Add)
Chelostoma grande (Add)
Chelostoma handlirschi (Add)
Chelostoma hebraeum (Add)
Chelostoma hellenicum (Add)
Chelostoma incertum (Add)
Chelostoma incisulum (Add)
Chelostoma isabellinum (Add)
Chelostoma josefi (Add)
Chelostoma lamellum (Add)
Chelostoma laticaudum (Add)
Chelostoma longilabrare (Add)
Chelostoma lucens (Add)
Chelostoma maidli (Add)
Chelostoma marginatum (Add)
Chelostoma minutum (Add)
Chelostoma mocsaryi (Add)
Chelostoma nasutum (Add)
Chelostoma orientale (Add)
Chelostoma palaestinum (Add)
Chelostoma petersi (Add)
Chelostoma phaceliae (Add)
Chelostoma philadelphi (Add)
Chelostoma proximum (Add)
Chelostoma rapunculi (Add)
Chelostoma schlettereri (Add)
Chelostoma styriacum (Add)
Chelostoma sublamellum (Add)
Chelostoma subnitidum (Add)
Chelostoma tetramerum (Add)
Chelostoma tonsum (Add)
Chelostoma torquillum (Add)
Chelostoma transversum (Add)
Chelostoma ventrale (Add)
Chelostoma xizangense (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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