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Phylum Arthropoda --> Chelicerata --> Class Arachnids --> Ord. Spiders --> Opisthothelae --> Araneomorphae --> Fam. Orb-weaver spider -->

Incertae sedis (Araneidae)

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Leaf curling spider, Phonognatha graeffei

"Leaf-curling spider (Phonognatha graeffei)" by Docbaty via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.


Gen. Aerea (Add)
Aerea alticephala (Add)
Aerea magnifica (Add)
Gen. Anepeira (Add)
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Gen. Arkys (Add)
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Artonis gallana (Add)
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Gen. Colphepeira (Add)
Colphepeira catawba (Add)
Gen. Cyclososoma (Add)
Gen. Deliochus (Add)
Deliochus pulcher (Add)
Deliochus zelivira (Add)
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Leviellus inconveniens (Add)
Leviellus kochi (Add)
Leviellus thorelli (Add)
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Gen. Neoarchemorus (Add)
Arkys alatus (Add)
Arkys brevipalpus (Add)
Arkys bulburinensis (Add)
Arkys cicatricosus (Add)
Arkys cornutus (Add)
Arkys coronatus (Add)
Arkys curtulus (Add)
Arkys dilatatus (Add)
Arkys furcatus (Add)
Arkys gracilis (Add)
Arkys grandis (Add)
Arkys hickmani (Add)
Arkys kaszabi (Add)
Arkys lancearius (Add)
Arkys latissimus (Add)
Arkys montanus (Add)
Arkys multituberculatus (Add)
Arkys nimdol (Add)
Arkys nitidiceps (Add)
Arkys occidentalis (Add)
Arkys roosdorpi (Add)
Arkys semicirculatus (Add)
Arkys sibil (Add)
Arkys simsoni (Add)
Arkys soosi (Add)
Arkys toxopeusi (Add)
Arkys transversus (Add)
Arkys tuberculatus (Add)
Arkys varians (Add)
Arkys vicarius (Add)
Arkys walckenaeri (Add)
Gen. Parazygiella (Add)
Parazygiella carpenteri (Add)
Parazygiella dispar (Add)
Parazygiella montana (Add)
Gen. Phonognatha (Add)
Leaf curling spider, Phonognatha graeffei

Phonognatha guanga (Add)
Phonognatha joannae (Add)
Phonognatha melania (Add)
Phonognatha melanopyga (Add)
Phonognatha pallida (Add)
Phonognatha vicitra (Add)
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Pronous quintana (Add)
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Pronous tetralobus (Add)
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Pronous valle (Add)
Pronous wixoides (Add)
Gen. Pycnosinga (Add)
Gen. Sedasta (Add)
Gen. Singafrotypa (Add)
Singafrotypa acanthopus (Add)
Singafrotypa mandela (Add)
Singafrotypa okavango (Add)
Gen. Stroemiellus (Add)
Stroemiellus stroemi (Add)
Gen. Testudinaria (Add)
Gen. Tethneus (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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