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Ord. Spiders --> Opisthothelae --> Araneomorphae --> Fam. Araneomorph funnel-web spider --> Ageleninae -->


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Agelena agelenoides (Add)
Agelena annulipedella (Add)
Agelena atlantea (Add)
Agelena australis (Add)
Agelena babai (Add)
Agelena barunae (Add)
Agelena bifida (Add)
Agelena borbonica (Add)
Agelena canariensis (Add)
Agelena chayu (Add)
Agelena choi (Add)
Agelena consociata (Add)
Agelena cuspidata (Add)
Agelena donggukensis (Add)
Agelena doris (Add)
Agelena dubiosa (Add)
Agelena fagei (Add)
Agelena funerea (Add)
Agelena gaerdesi (Add)
Agelena gautami (Add)
Agelena gomerensis (Add)
Agelena gonzalezi (Add)
Agelena hirsutissima (Add)
Agelena howelli (Add)
Agelena incertissima (Add)
Agelena inda (Add)
Agelena injuria (Add)
Agelena jaundea (Add)
Agelena jirisanensis (Add)
Agelena jumbo (Add)
Agelena keniana (Add)
Agelena kiboschensis (Add)
Agelena koreana (Add)
Agelena labyrinthica (Add)
Agelena lawrencei (Add)
Agelena limbata (Add)
Agelena lingua (Add)
Agelena littoricola (Add)
Agelena longimamillata (Add)
Agelena longipes (Add)
Agelena lukla (Add)
Agelena maracandensis (Add)
Agelena mengeella (Add)
Agelena mengei (Add)
Agelena moschiensis (Add)
Agelena mossambica (Add)
Agelena nairobii (Add)
Agelena nigra (Add)
Agelena nyassana (Add)
Agelena oaklandensis (Add)
Agelena orientalis (Add)
Agelena poliosata (Add)
Agelena republicana (Add)
Agelena sangzhiensis (Add)
Agelena satmila (Add)
Agelena scopulata (Add)
Agelena secsuensis (Add)
Agelena sherpa (Add)
Agelena shillongensis (Add)
Agelena silvatica (Add)
Agelena suboculata (Add)
Agelena tadzhika (Add)
Agelena tenerifensis (Add)
Agelena tenuella (Add)
Agelena tenuis (Add)
Agelena teteana (Add)
Agelena tungchis (Add)
Agelena zorica (Add)
Agelena zuluana (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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