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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Ord. Hymenoptera --> Apocrita --> Formicoidea --> Fam. Ant -->


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Gen. Adetomyrma (Add)
Adetomyrma venatrix (Add)
Gen. Amblyopone (Add)
Amblyopone aberrans (Add)
Amblyopone amblyops (Add)
Amblyopone annae (Add)
Amblyopone armigera (Add)
Amblyopone australis (Add)
Amblyopone bellii (Add)
Amblyopone besucheti (Add)
Amblyopone bierigi (Add)
Amblyopone bruni (Add)
Amblyopone celata (Add)
Amblyopone chilensis (Add)
Amblyopone clarki (Add)
Amblyopone degenerata (Add)
Amblyopone denticulata (Add)
Amblyopone egregia (Add)
Amblyopone elongata (Add)
Amblyopone emeryi (Add)
Amblyopone exigua (Add)
Amblyopone falcata (Add)
Amblyopone feae (Add)
Amblyopone ferruginea (Add)
Amblyopone fulvida (Add)
Amblyopone gaetulica (Add)
Amblyopone gingivalis (Add)
Amblyopone glauerti (Add)
Amblyopone gnoma (Add)
Amblyopone gracilis (Add)
Amblyopone hackeri (Add)
Amblyopone impressifrons (Add)
Amblyopone leae (Add)
Amblyopone longidens (Add)
Amblyopone lucida (Add)
Amblyopone lurilabes (Add)
Amblyopone luzonica (Add)
Amblyopone mercovichi (Add)
Amblyopone michaelseni (Add)
Amblyopone minuta (Add)
Amblyopone monrosi (Add)
Amblyopone mutica (Add)
Amblyopone mystriops (Add)
Amblyopone noonadan (Add)
Amblyopone normandi (Add)
Amblyopone ophthalmica (Add)
Amblyopone oregonensis (Add)
Amblyopone orizabana (Add)
Amblyopone pallipes (Add)
Amblyopone papuana (Add)
Amblyopone pertinax (Add)
Amblyopone pluto (Add)
Amblyopone punctulata (Add)
Amblyopone quadrata (Add)
Amblyopone reclinata (Add)
Amblyopone rothneyi (Add)
Amblyopone rubiginoa (Add)
Amblyopone sakaii (Add)
Amblyopone santschii (Add)
Amblyopone saundersi (Add)
Amblyopone silvestrii (Add)
Amblyopone smithi (Add)
Amblyopone trigonignatha (Add)
Amblyopone wilsoni (Add)
Amblyopone zwaluwenburgi (Add)
Gen. Apomyrma (Add)
Apomyrma stygia (Add)
Gen. Bannapone (Add)
Bannapone mulanae (Add)
Gen. Concoctio (Add)
Concoctio concenta (Add)
Gen. Myopopone (Add)
Myopopone castanea (Add)
Gen. Mystrium (Add)
Mystrium camillae (Add)
Mystrium fallax (Add)
Mystrium leonie (Add)
Mystrium maren (Add)
Mystrium mysticum (Add)
Mystrium oberthueri (Add)
Mystrium rogeri (Add)
Mystrium silvestrii (Add)
Mystrium stadelmanni (Add)
Mystrium voeltzkowi (Add)
Gen. Onychomyrmex (Add)
Onychomyrmex doddi (Add)
Onychomyrmex hedleyi (Add)
Onychomyrmex mjobergi (Add)
Gen. Opamyrma (Add)
Opamyrma hungvuong (Add)
Gen. Paraprionopelta (Add)
Paraprionopelta minima (Add)
Gen. Prionopelta (Add)
Prionopelta aethiopica (Add)
Prionopelta amabilis (Add)
Prionopelta amieti (Add)
Prionopelta antillana (Add)
Prionopelta brocha (Add)
Prionopelta descarpentriesi (Add)
Prionopelta humicola (Add)
Prionopelta kraepelini (Add)
Prionopelta majuscula (Add)
Prionopelta marthae (Add)
Prionopelta media (Add)
Prionopelta modesta (Add)
Prionopelta opaca (Add)
Prionopelta punctulata (Add)
Prionopelta robynmae (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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