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Phylum Corals and Jellyfish --> Class Anthozoa --> S.Class Octocorallia --> Ord. Alcyonacea -->


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Fam. Alcyoniidae (Add)
Alcyoniinae (Add)
Gen. Acrophytum (Add)
Gen. Alcyonium (Add)
Alcyonium aurantiacum (Add)
Alcyonium digitatum (Add)
Alcyonium glaciophilum (Add)
Alcyonium glomeratum (Add)
Alcyonium grandis (Add)
Alcyonium haddoni (Add)
Alcyonium jorgei (Add)
Alcyonium palmatum (Add)
Alcyonium roseum (Add)
Alcyonium sidereum (Add)
Alcyonium yepayek (Add)
Gen. Bellonella (Add)
Bellonella bocagei (Add)
Bellonella capitata (Add)
Bellonella cinerea (Add)
Bellonella clavata (Add)
Bellonella conspicua (Add)
Bellonella epedana (Add)
Bellonella granulata (Add)
Bellonella molokaiensis (Add)
Bellonella petila (Add)
Bellonella rubistella (Add)
Bellonella tenuis (Add)
Bellonella variabilis (Add)
Gen. Ceratocaulon (Add)
Gen. Cladiella (Add)
Gen. Dimorphophyton (Add)
Gen. Discophyton (Add)
Gen. Elbeenus (Add)
Gen. Eleutherobia (Add)
Eleutherobia albiflora (Add)
Eleutherobia dofleini (Add)
Eleutherobia duriuscula (Add)
Eleutherobia flava (Add)
Eleutherobia grandiflora (Add)
Eleutherobia grayi (Add)
Eleutherobia rigida (Add)
Eleutherobia rotifera (Add)
Eleutherobia rubra (Add)
Eleutherobia somaliensis (Add)
Eleutherobia splendens (Add)
Eleutherobia studeri (Add)
Eleutherobia sumbawaensis (Add)
Eleutherobia unicolor (Add)
Gen. Inflatocalyx (Add)
Inflatocalyx infirmata (Add)
Gen. Klyxum (Add)
Gen. Lampophyton (Add)
Gen. Lanthanocephalus (Add)
Gen. Lobophyton (Add)
Gen. Lohowia (Add)
Gen. Malacacanthus (Add)
Gen. Minabea (Add)
Minabea aldersladei (Add)
Gen. Notodysiferus (Add)
Gen. Paraminabea (Add)
Gen. Protodendron (Add)
Gen. Pseudoalcyonium (Add)
Gen. Pseudoanthomastus (Add)
Gen. Rhizalcyon (Add)
Gen. Rhytisma (Add)
Gen. Sarcophyton (Add)
Sarcophyton crassocaule (Add)
Sarcophyton ehrenbergi (Add)
Sarcophyton elegans (Add)
Sarcophyton glaucum (Add)
Sarcophyton tenuispiculatum (Add)
Gen. Schizophyton (Add)
Gen. Sinularia (Add)
Sinularia brassica (Add)
Sinularia dura (Add)
Sinularia leptoclados (Add)
Gen. Skamnarium (Add)
Gen. Sphaeralcyon (Add)
Gen. Thrombophyton (Add)
Gen. Verseveldtia (Add)
Anthomastinae (Add)
Gen. Anthomastus (Add)
Anthomastus phalloides (Add)
Anthomastus zealandicus (Add)
Fam. Nephtheidae (Add)
Gen. Kenya tree corals, Capnella (Add)
Capnella imbricata (Add)
Gen. Chromonephthea (Add)
Gen. Coronephthya (Add)
Gen. Dendronephthya (Add)
Dendronephthya aurea (Add)
Dendronephthya castanea (Add)
Dendronephthya gigantea (Add)
Dendronephthya klunzingeri (Add)
Dendronephthya putteri (Add)
Dendronephthya spinifera (Add)
Dendronephthya suensoni (Add)
Gen. Drifa (Add)
Drifa glomerata (Add)
Gen. Duva (Add)
Gen. Gersemia (Add)
Gen. Lemnalia (Add)
Gen. Leptophyton (Add)
Gen. Litophyton (Add)
Gen. Neospongodes (Add)
Gen. Nephthea (Add)
Gen. Pacifiphyton (Add)
Gen. Paralemnalia (Add)
Gen. Pseudodrifa (Add)
Gen. Scleronephthya (Add)
Gen. Stereacantha (Add)
Gen. Stereonephthya (Add)
Gen. Umbellulifera (Add)
Fam. Nidaliidae (Add)
Nidaliinae (Add)
Gen. Agaricoides (Add)
Gen. Nidalia (Add)
Nidalia agrariciformis (Add)
Nidalia alciformis (Add)
Nidalia borongaensis (Add)
Nidalia celosioides (Add)
Nidalia deichmannae (Add)
Nidalia dissidens (Add)
Nidalia expansa (Add)
Nidalia lampas (Add)
Nidalia macrospina (Add)
Nidalia occidentalis (Add)
Nidalia rubripunctata (Add)
Nidalia simpsoni (Add)
Gen. Nidaliopsis (Add)
Nidaliopsis alta (Add)
Nidaliopsis violacea (Add)
Gen. Orlikia (Add)
Gen. Pieterfaurea (Add)
Pieterfaurea unilobata (Add)
Siphonogorgiinae (Add)
Gen. Chironephthya (Add)
Gen. Nephthyigorgia (Add)
Gen. Siphonogorgia (Add)
Siphonogorgia godeffroyi (Add)
Fam. Paralcyoniidae (Add)
Gen. Carotalycon (Add)
Gen. Maasella (Add)
Gen. Paralcyonium (Add)
Gen. Studeriotes (Add)
Fam. Xeniidae
Gen. Anthelia (Add)
Anthelia glauca (Add)
Gen. Asterospicularia (Add)
Gen. Bayerxenia (Add)
Gen. Cespitularia (Add)
Gen. Efflatounaria (Add)
Gen. Funginus (Add)
Gen. Heteroxenia (Add)
Heteroxenia fuscescens (Add)
Gen. Ingotia (Add)
Gen. Ixion (Add)
Gen. Orangaslia (Add)
Gen. Ovabunda (Add)
Gen. Sansibia (Add)
Gen. Sympodium (Add)
Gen. Unomia (Add)
Unomia stolonifera

Gen. Pulsing Coral, Xenia (Add)
Xenia blumi (Add)
Xenia hicksoni (Add)
Xenia umbellata (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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