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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Ord. Beetle --> Polyphaga -->


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Fam. Epimetopidae (Add)
Fam. Georissus, Georissidae (Add)
Fam. Helophoridae
Gen. Helophorus (Add)
Helophorus (Atracthelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Cyphelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Cyphelophorus) tuberculatus (Add)
Helophorus (Empleurus) (Add)
Helophorus (Eutrichelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Gephelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Helophorus) (Add)
Helophorus aequalis (Add)
Helophorus aquaticus (Add)
Helophorus bergrothi (Add)
Helophorus grandis (Add)
Helophorus hammondi (Add)
Helophorus khnzoryani (Add)
Helophorus liguricus (Add)
Helophorus niger (Add)
Helophorus strandi (Add)
Helophorus syriacus (Add)
Helophorus (Orphelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Orphelophorus) arcticus (Add)
Helophorus (Orphelophorus) turca (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalohelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) angustatus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) angusticollis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) auricollis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) barbarae (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) browni (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) carsoni (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) columbianus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) croaticus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) discrepans (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) dorsalis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) eclectus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) flavipes (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) frater (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) frosti (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) furius (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) granularis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) griseus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) inflectus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) kaszabianus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) kirgisicus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) kryzanovskii (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) lacustris (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) lapponicus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) laticollis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) ledatus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) leechi (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) linearis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) linearoides (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) lineatus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) longitarsis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) marginicollis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) minutus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) nanus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) nigricans (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) nitiduloides (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) nitidulus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) oblongus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) orchymonti (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) orientalis (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) pallidus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) parajacutus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) paraminutus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) parasplendidus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) pitcheri (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) poppii (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) pumilio (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) redtenbacheri (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) sempervarians (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) similes (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) splendidus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) tumidus (Add)
Helophorus (Rhopalelophorus) uvarovi (Add)
Helophorus (Transithelophorus) (Add)
Fam. Hydrochidae
Gen. Hydrochus (Add)
Hydrochus aequalis (Add)
Hydrochus aljibensis (Add)
Hydrochus angusi (Add)
Hydrochus angustatus (Add)
Hydrochus bicolor (Add)
Hydrochus brevis (Add)
Hydrochus brevitarsis (Add)
Hydrochus brianbrowni (Add)
Hydrochus chubu (Add)
Hydrochus crenatus (Add)
Hydrochus currani (Add)
Hydrochus elongatus (Add)
Hydrochus flavipennis (Add)
Hydrochus grandicollis (Add)
Hydrochus granulatus (Add)
Hydrochus ibericus (Add)
Hydrochus ignicollis (Add)
Hydrochus interruptus (Add)
Hydrochus japonicus (Add)
Hydrochus kirgisicus (Add)
Hydrochus lacustris (Add)
Hydrochus laferi (Add)
Hydrochus megaphallus (Add)
Hydrochus neosquamifer (Add)
Hydrochus nitidicollis (Add)
Hydrochus nodulifer (Add)
Hydrochus nooreinus (Add)
Hydrochus octocarinatus (Add)
Hydrochus opacus (Add)
Hydrochus pseudosquamifer (Add)
Hydrochus rhytipterus (Add)
Hydrochus rishi (Add)
Hydrochus roberti (Add)
Hydrochus rufipes (Add)
Hydrochus scabratus (Add)
Hydrochus smaragdineus (Add)
Hydrochus squamifer (Add)
Hydrochus subcupreus (Add)
Hydrochus tariqi (Add)
Hydrochus yadavi (Add)
Fam. Hydrophilidae
Angarolarva (Add)
Aposphinctus (Add)
Cretohelophorus (Add)
Cretospercheus (Add)
Horelophinae (Add)
Gen. Horelophus (Add)
Horelophopsinae (Add)
Gen. Horelophopsis (Add)
Hydrobiites (Add)
Hydrophilinae (Add)
Acidocerini (Add)
Gen. Agraphydrus (Add)
Gen. Chasmogenus (Add)
Gen. Cymbiodyta (Add)
Gen. Dieroxenus (Add)
Gen. Enochrella (Add)
Gen. Enochrus (Add)
Gen. Globulosis (Add)
Gen. Helobata (Add)
Gen. Helochares (Add)
Gen. Helocombus (Add)
Gen. Helopeltarium (Add)
Gen. Megagraphydrus (Add)
Gen. Peltochares (Add)
Gen. Philhydriis (Add)
Gen. Quadriops (Add)
Gen. Tobochares (Add)
Gen. Troglochares (Add)
Anacaenini (Add)
Gen. Anacaena (Add)
Gen. Crenitis (Add)
Gen. Notionotus (Add)
Gen. Notohydrus (Add)
Gen. Paracymus (Add)
Gen. Phelea (Add)
Berosini (Add)
Gen. Allocotocerus (Add)
Gen. Berosus (Add)
Gen. Derallus (Add)
Gen. Hemiosus (Add)
Gen. Regimbartia (Add)
Chaetarthriini (Add)
Gen. Amphiops (Add)
Gen. Apurebium (Add)
Gen. Chaetarthria (Add)
Gen. Guyanobius (Add)
Gen. Hemisphaera (Add)
Gen. Micramphiops (Add)
Gen. Thysanarthria (Add)
Gen. Venezuelobium (Add)
Hydrobiusini (Add)
Gen. Hybogralius (Add)
Gen. Hydramara (Add)
Gen. Hydrobius (Add)
Gen. Limnocyclus (Add)
Gen. Limnoxenus (Add)
Hydrophilini (Add)
Gen. Brownephilus (Add)
Gen. Hydrobiomorpha (Add)
Gen. Hydrochara (Add)
Gen. Hydrophilus (Add)
Gen. Protistolophus (Add)
Gen. Sternolophus (Add)
Gen. Tropisternus (Add)
Laccobiini (Add)
Gen. Arabhydrus (Add)
Gen. Beralitra (Add)
Gen. Hydrophilomima (Add)
Gen. Laccobius (Add)
Gen. Oocyclus (Add)
Gen. Ophthalmocyclus (Add)
Gen. Pelthydrus (Add)
Gen. Scoliopsis (Add)
Gen. Tritonus (Add)
Sperchopsini (Add)
Gen. Ametor (Add)
Gen. Anticura (Add)
Gen. Cylomissus (Add)
Gen. Hydrocassis (Add)
Gen. Sperchopsis (Add)
Hydrophilopsia (Add)
Mesohelophorus (Add)
Mesydra (Add)
Paraspercheus (Add)
Prospercheus (Add)
Sphaeridiinae (Add)
Andotypini (Add)
Gen. Andotypus (Add)
Gen. Coelostomopsis (Add)
Borborophorini (Add)
Gen. Borborophorus (Add)
Gen. Petasopsis (Add)
Coelostomatini (Add)
Gen. Adolopus (Add)
Gen. Badioglobus (Add)
Gen. Bourdonnaisia (Add)
Gen. Coeloctenus (Add)
Gen. Coelofletium (Add)
Gen. Coelostoma (Add)
Gen. Cyclotypus (Add)
Gen. Cyloma (Add)
Gen. Dactylosternum (Add)
Gen. Dactylostethus (Add)
Gen. Elocomosta (Add)
Gen. Galapagodacnum (Add)
Gen. Hemikruia (Add)
Gen. Hydroglobus (Add)
Gen. Kruia (Add)
Gen. Lachnodacnum (Add)
Gen. Phaenonotum (Add)
Gen. Phaenostoma (Add)
Gen. Rhachiostethus (Add)
Gen. Toma (Add)
Megasternini (Add)
Gen. Agna (Add)
Gen. Armostus (Add)
Gen. Cenebriophilus (Add)
Gen. Cercillum (Add)
Gen. Cercyodes (Add)
Gen. Cercyon (Add)
Gen. Ceronocyton (Add)
Gen. Cetiocyon (Add)
Gen. Cryptopleurum (Add)
Gen. Cycreon (Add)
Gen. Cycrillum (Add)
Gen. Cyrtonion Hansen (Add)
Gen. Deltostethus (Add)
Gen. Emmidolium (Add)
Gen. Ercycodes (Add)
Gen. Kanala (Add)
Gen. Megasternum (Add)
Gen. Moraphilus (Add)
Gen. Morastus (Add)
Gen. Motonerus (Add)
Gen. Nipponocercyon (Add)
Gen. Nitidulodes (Add)
Gen. Notocercyon (Add)
Gen. Oosternum (Add)
Gen. Pachysternum (Add)
Gen. Pacrillum (Add)
Gen. Paroosternum (Add)
Gen. Pelocyon (Add)
Gen. Pelosoma (Add)
Gen. Peltocercyon (Add)
Gen. Pemelus (Add)
Gen. Pseudoosternum (Add)
Gen. Pyretus (Add)
Gen. Quadristernum (Add)
Gen. Sacosternum (Add)
Gen. Tectosternum (Add)
Omicrini (Add)
Gen. Aculomicrus (Add)
Gen. Heteryon (Add)
Gen. Lala (Add)
Gen. Litrosurus (Add)
Gen. Mircogioton (Add)
Gen. Nannomicrus (Add)
Gen. Noteropagus (Add)
Gen. Omicrogiton (Add)
Gen. Omicrus (Add)
Gen. Oreomicrus (Add)
Gen. Paromicrus (Add)
Gen. Peratogonus (Add)
Gen. Psalitrus (Add)
Gen. Stanmalcolmia (Add)
Gen. Tylomicrus (Add)
Protosternini (Add)
Gen. Mucetum (Add)
Gen. Protosternum (Add)
Gen. Rhombosternum (Add)
Gen. Sphaerocetum (Add)
Rygmodini (Add)
Gen. Cylorygmus (Add)
Gen. Eurygmus (Add)
Gen. Pseudohydrobius (Add)
Gen. Pseudorygmodus (Add)
Gen. Rygmodus (Add)
Gen. Rygmostralia (Add)
Gen. Saphydrus (Add)
Sphaeridiini (Add)
Gen. Sphaeridium (Add)
Tormissini (Add)
Gen. Afrotormus (Add)
Gen. Exydrus (Add)
Gen. Hydrostygnus (Add)
Gen. Tormissus (Add)
Gen. Tormus (Add)
Zetemnos (Add)
Fam. Spercheidae
Gen. Spercheus (Add)
Spercheus babylonicus (Add)
Spercheus belli (Add)
Spercheus cerisyi (Add)
Spercheus emarginatus (Add)
Spercheus halophilus (Add)
Spercheus interruptus (Add)
Spercheus platycephalus (Add)
Spercheus senegalensis (Add)
Spercheus wattsi (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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