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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Ord. Beetle --> Polyphaga --> Scarabaeoidea --> Fam. Scarabaeidae --> Melolonthinae --> Melolonthini -->


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Gen. Melolontha (Add)
Melolontha aceris (Add)
Melolontha aeneicollis (Add)
Melolontha afflicta (Add)
Melolontha albida (Add)
Melolontha albidiventris (Add)
Melolontha albopruinosa (Add)
Melolontha anita (Add)
Melolontha bifurcata (Add)
Melolontha chinensis (Add)
Melolontha ciliciensis (Add)
Melolontha clypeata (Add)
Melolontha costipennis (Add)
Melolontha cuprescens (Add)
Melolontha davidis (Add)
Melolontha excisicauda (Add)
Melolontha flabellata (Add)
Melolontha formosana (Add)
Melolontha frater (Add)
Melolontha fuliginosa (Add)
Melolontha furcicauda (Add)
Melolontha gobiensis (Add)
Melolontha gussakovskii (Add)
Melolontha guttigera (Add)
Melolontha heydeni (Add)
Forest Cockchafer, Melolontha hippocastani (Add)
Melolontha hissarica (Add)
Melolontha incana (Add)
Melolontha indica (Add)
Melolontha insignis (Add)
Melolontha insulana (Add)
Melolontha japonica (Add)
Melolontha kraatzi (Add)
Melolontha laevipennis (Add)
Melolontha laticauda (Add)
Melolontha macrophylla (Add)
Melolontha maculata (Add)
Melolontha mandarina (Add)
Melolontha masafumii (Add)
Melolontha medvedevi (Add)
Common Cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha

Melolontha minima (Add)
Melolontha mongolica (Add)
Melolontha nepalensis (Add)
Melolontha nitidicollis (Add)
Melolontha opaca (Add)
Melolontha papposa (Add)
Melolontha pectoralis (Add)
Melolontha permira (Add)
Melolontha pygidialis (Add)
Melolontha rubiginosa (Add)
Melolontha rufocrassa (Add)
Melolontha sardiniensis (Add)
Melolontha satsumaensis (Add)
Melolontha sculpticollis (Add)
Melolontha shanghaiana (Add)
Melolontha shikokuana (Add)
Melolontha taihokuensis (Add)
Melolontha tamina (Add)
Melolontha tarimensis (Add)
Melolontha taygetana (Add)
Melolontha tenuicauda (Add)
Melolontha tricostata (Add)
Melolontha virescens (Add)
Melolontha wushana (Add)
Gen. Polyphylla (Add)
Polyphylla adspersa (Add)
Polyphylla alba (Add)
Polyphylla albertischultzi (Add)
Polyphylla albolineata (Add)
Polyphylla albosparsa (Add)
Polyphylla algirana (Add)
Polyphylla aliquoi (Add)
Polyphylla annamensis (Add)
Polyphylla boryi (Add)
Polyphylla chinensis (Add)
Polyphylla crinata (Add)
Polyphylla dahnshuensis (Add)
Polyphylla davidis (Add)
Polyphylla decemlineata (Add)
Polyphylla descarpentriesi (Add)
Polyphylla edentula (Add)
Polyphylla exilis (Add)
Polyphylla formosana (Add)
Pine Chafer, Polyphylla fullo (Add)
Polyphylla gracilicornis (Add)
Polyphylla intermedia (Add)
Polyphylla irrorata (Add)
Polyphylla jessopi (Add)
Polyphylla laticollis (Add)
Polyphylla licenti (Add)
Polyphylla macrocera (Add)
Polyphylla maculipennis (Add)
Polyphylla mandshurica (Add)
Polyphylla maroccana (Add)
Polyphylla minor (Add)
Polyphylla naxiana (Add)
Polyphylla nikodymi (Add)
Polyphylla nubecula (Add)
Polyphylla olivieri (Add)
Polyphylla persica (Add)
Polyphylla phongsali (Add)
Polyphylla ploceki (Add)
Polyphylla ragusae (Add)
Polyphylla schestakowi (Add)
Polyphylla schoenfeldti (Add)
Polyphylla sicardi (Add)
Polyphylla sikkimensis (Add)
Polyphylla simoni (Add)
Polyphylla taiwana (Add)
Polyphylla tonkinensis (Add)
Polyphylla tridentata (Add)
Polyphylla turkmenoglui (Add)
Polyphylla vicaria (Add)
Gen. Psilonychus (Add)
Gen. Tostegoptera (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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