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Ord. Coraciiformes --> Fam. River kingfishers --> Alcedininae -->


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Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis

"Blauet - martin pescador - king fischer - alcedo atthis_filtered" by Ferran pestaña via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Malachite Kingfisher, Alcedo cristata

"Malachite Kingfisher (Alcedo cristata)" by Rainbirder via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.


Alcedo argentata (Add)
Alcedo argentata argentata (Add)
Alcedo argentata flumenicola (Add)
Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis

Alcedo atthis atthis (Add)
Alcedo atthis bengalensis (Add)
Alcedo atthis floresiana (Add)
Alcedo atthis hispidoides (Add)
Alcedo atthis ispida (Add)
Alcedo atthis japonica (Add)
Alcedo atthis solomonensis (Add)
Alcedo atthis taprobana (Add)
Azure Kingfisher, Alcedo azurea (Add)
Alcedo azurea affinis (Add)
Alcedo azurea azurea (Add)
Alcedo azurea diemenensis (Add)
Alcedo azurea lessonii (Add)
Alcedo azurea mixtus (Add)
Alcedo azurea ochrogaster (Add)
Alcedo azurea ruficollaris (Add)
Alcedo azurea wallaceanus (Add)
Alcedo azurea yamdenae (Add)
Alcedo coerulescens (Add)
Malachite Kingfisher, Alcedo cristata

Alcedo cristata cristata (Add)
Alcedo cristata galerita (Add)
Alcedo cristata nais (Add)
Alcedo cristata robertsi (Add)
Alcedo cristata stuartkeithi (Add)
Alcedo cristata thomensis (Add)
Alcedo cyanopecta (Add)
Alcedo cyanopecta cyanopecta (Add)
Alcedo cyanopecta nigrirostris (Add)
Blue-banded Kingfisher, Alcedo euryzona (Add)
Alcedo euryzona euryzona (Add)
Alcedo euryzona peninsulae (Add)
Blyth's Kingfisher, Alcedo hercules (Add)
Alcedo leucogaster (Add)
Alcedo leucogaster batesi (Add)
Alcedo leucogaster bowdleri (Add)
Alcedo leucogaster leopoldi (Add)
Alcedo leucogaster leucogaster (Add)
Alcedo leucogaster nais (Add)
Blue-eared Kingfisher, Alcedo meninting (Add)
Alcedo meninting amadoni (Add)
Alcedo meninting callima (Add)
Alcedo meninting coltarti (Add)
Alcedo meninting laubmanni (Add)
Alcedo meninting meninting (Add)
Alcedo meninting phillipsi (Add)
Alcedo meninting proxima (Add)
Alcedo meninting rufigaster (Add)
Alcedo meninting scintillans (Add)
Alcedo meninting subviridis (Add)
Alcedo meninting verreauxi (Add)
Alcedo pusilla (Add)
Alcedo pusilla aolae (Add)
Alcedo pusilla bougainvillei (Add)
Alcedo pusilla halli (Add)
Alcedo pusilla halmaherae (Add)
Alcedo pusilla laetior (Add)
Alcedo pusilla masauji (Add)
Alcedo pusilla pusilla (Add)
Alcedo pusilla ramsayi (Add)
Alcedo pusilla richardsi (Add)
Shining Blue Kingfisher, Alcedo quadribrachys (Add)
Alcedo quadribrachys guentheri (Add)
Alcedo quadribrachys quadribrachys (Add)
Alcedo semitorquata (Add)
Alcedo semitorquata heuglini (Add)
Alcedo semitorquata semitorquata (Add)
Alcedo semitorquata tephria (Add)
Malagasy Kingfisher, Alcedo vintsioides (Add)
Alcedo vintsioides johannae (Add)
Alcedo vintsioides vintsioides (Add)
Alcedo websteri (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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