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Fam. Rainbowfish

Phylum Chordata --> Vertebrata --> Gnathostomata --> Class Actinopterygii --> S.Class Neopterygii --> Superord. Acanthopterygii --> Ord. Atheriniformes --> Atherinoidei -->


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Gen. Cairnsichthys (Add)
Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides (Add)
Gen. Chilatherina (Add)
Chilatherina alleni (Add)
Chilatherina axelrodi (Add)
Chilatherina bleheri (Add)
Chilatherina bulolo (Add)
Chilatherina campsi (Add)
Chilatherina crassispinosa (Add)
Chilatherina fasciata (Add)
Chilatherina lorentzii (Add)
Chilatherina pricei (Add)
Chilatherina sentaniensis (Add)
Gen. Glossolepis (Add)
Glossolepis dorityi (Add)
Glossolepis incisus (Add)
Glossolepis leggetti (Add)
Glossolepis maculosus (Add)
Glossolepis multisquamata (Add)
Glossolepis pseudoincisus (Add)
Glossolepis ramuensis (Add)
Glossolepis wanamensis (Add)
Gen. Iriatherina (Add)
Iriatherina werneri (Add)
Gen. Melanotaenia (Add)
Melanotaenia affinis (Add)
Melanotaenia ajamaruensis (Add)
Melanotaenia ammeri (Add)
Melanotaenia angfa (Add)
Melanotaenia arfakensis (Add)
Melanotaenia australis (Add)
Melanotaenia batanta (Add)
Boeseman's rainbowfish, Melanotaenia boesemani (Add)
Melanotaenia caerulea (Add)
Melanotaenia catherinae (Add)
Melanotaenia corona (Add)
Melanotaenia duboulayi (Add)
Melanotaenia eachamensis (Add)
Melanotaenia exquisita (Add)
Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Add)
Melanotaenia fredericki (Add)
Melanotaenia goldiei (Add)
Melanotaenia gracilis (Add)
Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi (Add)
Melanotaenia irianjaya (Add)
Melanotaenia iris (Add)
Melanotaenia japenensis (Add)
Melanotaenia kamaka (Add)
Melanotaenia kokasensis (Add)
Melanotaenia lacustris (Add)
Melanotaenia lakamora (Add)
Melanotaenia maccullochi (Add)
Melanotaenia maylandi (Add)
Melanotaenia misoolensis (Add)
Melanotaenia monticola (Add)
Melanotaenia mubiensis (Add)
Melanotaenia nigrans (Add)
Melanotaenia ogilbyi (Add)
Melanotaenia oktediensis (Add)
Melanotaenia papuae (Add)
Melanotaenia parkinsoni (Add)
Melanotaenia parva (Add)
Melanotaenia pierucciae (Add)
Melanotaenia pimaensis (Add)
Dwarf rainbowfish, Melanotaenia praecox (Add)
Melanotaenia pygmaea (Add)
Melanotaenia rubripinnis (Add)
Melanotaenia sexlineata (Add)
Melanotaenia solata (Add)
Melanotaenia splendida (Add)
Melanotaenia sylvatica (Add)
Melanotaenia synergos (Add)
Melanotaenia trifasciata (Add)
Melanotaenia utcheensis (Add)
Melanotaenia vanheurni (Add)
Gen. Pelangia (Add)
Pelangia mbutaensis (Add)
Gen. Rhadinocentrus (Add)
Rhadinocentrus ornatus (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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