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Rock Ptarmigan

Ord. Galliformes --> Fam. Phasianidae --> Tetraoninae --> Gen. Lagopus -->

Lagopus muta

"A male Ptarmigan, Lagopus mutus in The Cairnwell area of Glen Shee. " by Shandchem via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs.

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Lagopus muta atkhensis (Add)
Lagopus muta capta (Add)
Lagopus muta chamberlaini (Add)
Lagopus muta dixoni (Add)
Lagopus muta evermanni (Add)
Lagopus muta gabrielsoni (Add)
Lagopus muta helvetica (Add)
Lagopus muta hyperborea (Add)
Lagopus muta islandorum (Add)
Lagopus muta japonica (Add)
Lagopus muta kurilensis (Add)
Lagopus muta millaisi (Add)
Lagopus muta muta (Add)
Lagopus muta nadezdae (Add)
Lagopus muta nelsoni (Add)
Lagopus muta pleskei (Add)
Lagopus muta pyrenaica (Add)
Lagopus muta ridgwayi (Add)
Lagopus muta rupestris (Add)
Lagopus muta sanfordi (Add)
Lagopus muta saturata (Add)
Lagopus muta townsendi (Add)
Lagopus muta welchi (Add)
Lagopus muta yunaskensis (Add)

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