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Phylum Chordata --> Vertebrata --> Gnathostomata --> Class Mammals --> S.Class Theria --> Eutheria --> Boreoeutheria --> Superord. Laurasiatheria --> Ord. Bat --> Microchiroptera --> Noctilionoidea --> Fam. Leaf-nosed bat --> Glossophaginae -->


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Gen. Anoura (Add)
Anoura caudifer (Add)
Anoura cultrata (Add)
Anoura geoffroyi (Add)
Anoura geoffroyi geoffroyi (Add)
Anoura geoffroyi lasiopyga (Add)
Anoura geoffroyi peruana (Add)
Anoura latidens (Add)
Anoura luismanueli (Add)
Gen. Choeroniscus (Add)
Choeroniscus godmani (Add)
Choeroniscus minor (Add)
Choeroniscus periosus (Add)
Choeroniscus periosus periosus (Add)
Choeroniscus periosus ponsi (Add)
Gen. Choeronycteris (Add)
Choeronycteris mexicana (Add)
Gen. Glossophaga (Add)
Glossophaga commissarisi (Add)
Glossophaga commissarisi bakeri (Add)
Glossophaga commissarisi commissarisi (Add)
Glossophaga commissarisi hespera (Add)
Glossophaga leachii (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris campestris (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris elongata (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris longirostris (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris major (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris maricelae (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris reclusa (Add)
Glossophaga longirostris rostrata (Add)
Glossophaga morenoi (Add)
Glossophaga morenoi brevirostris (Add)
Glossophaga morenoi mexicana (Add)
Glossophaga morenoi morenoi (Add)
Glossophaga soricina (Add)
Glossophaga soricina antillarum (Add)
Glossophaga soricina handleyi (Add)
Glossophaga soricina mutica (Add)
Glossophaga soricina soricina (Add)
Glossophaga soricina valens (Add)
Gen. Hylonycteris (Add)
Hylonycteris underwoodi (Add)
Hylonycteris underwoodi minor (Add)
Hylonycteris underwoodi underwoodi (Add)
Gen. Leptonycteris (Add)
Leptonycteris curasoae (Add)
Leptonycteris nivalis (Add)
Leptonycteris yerbabuenae (Add)
Gen. Lichonycteris (Add)
Lichonycteris obscura (Add)
Gen. Monophyllus (Add)
Monophyllus plethodon (Add)
Monophyllus plethodon frater (Add)
Monophyllus plethodon luciae (Add)
Monophyllus plethodon plethodon (Add)
Monophyllus redmani (Add)
Monophyllus redmani clinedaphus (Add)
Monophyllus redmani portoricensis (Add)
Monophyllus redmani redmani (Add)
Gen. Musonycteris (Add)
Musonycteris harrisoni (Add)
Gen. Scleronycteris (Add)
Scleronycteris ega (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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