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Plantae --> Embryophyta --> Tracheophyta --> Spermatophytes --> Angiospermae --> Eudicotyledon --> core eudicots --> rosids -->

malvids (eurosids II)

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Fam. Brassicaceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Caricaceae

"Papaya fruit" by Grendelkhan via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Balsaminaceae

"Drüsiges Springkraut (Impatiens glandulifera)" by Blumenbiene via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Geraniaceae

"Geranium sanguineum y abejita" by Ferran pestaña via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Malvaceae

"Common mallow (Malva sylvestris)" by Deanster1983 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs.

Fam. Lythraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.

Fam. Myrtaceae

"GOIABA - Guava. (Psidium guajava) fruit. Ceret Sao Paulo Brazlian native tree" by Mauroguanandi via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution.

Fam. Onagraceae

Rubund Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike.


Ord. Brassicales (Add)
Fam. Brassicaceae

Fam. Capparaceae
Fam. Caricaceae

Fam. Gyrostemonaceae (Add)
Fam. Limnanthaceae (Add)
Fam. Moringaceae (Add)
Fam. Resedaceae (Add)
Fam. Tovariaceae (Add)
Fam. Tropaeolaceae (Add)
Ord. Crossosomatales (Add)
Fam. Geissolomataceae (Add)
Fam. Stachyuraceae (Add)
Ord. Geraniales (Add)
Fam. Balsaminaceae

Fam. Biebersteiniaceae (Add)
Fam. Erithroxylaceae (Add)
Fam. Erytroxylaceae (Add)
Fam. Geraniaceae

Fam. Hugoniaceae (Add)
Fam. Humiriaceae (Add)
Fam. Linaceae
Fam. Nitrariaceae (Add)
Fam. Vivianaceae (Add)
Fam. Zygophyllaceae (Add)
Ord. Huerteales (Add)
Ord. Malvales (Add)
Fam. Bixaceae (Add)
Fam. Bombacaceae (Add)
Fam. Cistaceae (Add)
Fam. Cochlospermaceae (Add)
Fam. Elaeocarpaceae (Add)
Fam. Malvaceae

Fam. Ropalocarpaceae (Add)
Fam. Sarcolaenaceae (Add)
Fam. Scytopetalaceae (Add)
Fam. Sterculiaceae (Add)
Fam. Thymelaeaceae
Fam. Tiliaceae (Add)
Ord. Myrtales (Add)
Fam. Lythraceae

Fam. Myrtaceae

Fam. Onagraceae

Fam. Vochysiaceae (Add)
Ord. Picramniales (Add)
Ord. Sapindales (Add)
Fam. Aceraceae (Add)
Fam. Anacardiaceae
Fam. Burseraceae (Add)
Fam. Connaraceae (Add)
Fam. Coriariaceae (Add)
Fam. Greyiaceae (Add)
Fam. Hippocastanaceae (Add)
Fam. Meliaceae (Add)
Fam. Melianthaceae (Add)
Fam. Rutaceae
Fam. Sapindaceae
Fam. Simaroubaceae (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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