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Fam. Thymelaeaceae -->


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Daphne acutiloba (Add)
Daphne alpina (Add)
Daphne altaica (Add)
Daphne angustiloba (Add)
Daphne arbuscula (Add)
Daphne arisanensis (Add)
Daphne aurantiaca (Add)
Daphne axillaris (Add)
Daphne bholua (Add)
Daphne blagayana (Add)
Daphne brevituba (Add)
Daphne caucasica (Add)
Daphne championii (Add)
Daphne cneorum (Add)
Daphne depauperata (Add)
Daphne emeiensis (Add)
Daphne erosiloba (Add)
Daphne esquirolii (Add)
Daphne feddei (Add)
Daphne gemmata (Add)
Daphne genkwa (Add)
Daphne giraldii (Add)
Daphne glomerata (Add)
Daphne gnidioides (Add)
Daphne gnidium (Add)
Daphne gracilis (Add)
Daphne grueningiana (Add)
Daphne hekouensis (Add)
Daphne holosericea (Add)
Daphne involucrata (Add)
Daphne jasminea (Add)
Daphne jezoensis (Add)
Daphne jinyuensis (Add)
Daphne kamtschatica (Add)
Daphne kiusiana (Add)
Daphne kosaninii (Add)
Daphne laciniata (Add)
Daphne laureola (Add)
Daphne leishanensis (Add)
Daphne limprichtii (Add)
Daphne longilobata (Add)
Daphne longituba (Add)
Daphne macrantha (Add)
Daphne malyana (Add)
Daphne mezereum (Add)
Daphne miyabeana (Add)
Daphne modesta (Add)
Daphne mucronata (Add)
Daphne myrtilloides (Add)
Daphne odora (Add)
Daphne oleoides (Add)
Daphne papyracea (Add)
Daphne pedunculata (Add)
Daphne penicillata (Add)
Daphne petraea (Add)
Daphne pontica (Add)
Daphne pseudomezereum (Add)
Daphne purpurascens (Add)
Daphne retusa (Add)
Daphne rhynchocarpa (Add)
Daphne rodriguezii (Add)
Daphne rosmarinifolia (Add)
Daphne sericea (Add)
Daphne sophia (Add)
Daphne striata (Add)
Daphne sureil (Add)
Daphne tangutica (Add)
Daphne tenuiflora (Add)
Daphne tripartita (Add)
Daphne xichouensis (Add)
Daphne yunnanensis (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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The text on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Other regulations might be the case for each picture.
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